The Hydroheel Story
Many fans of Hydroheel, often ask how this incredible product came about - and we must say that the story might surprise you. Unlike most commercial skin care products, Hydroheel was not created in a lab, nor the result of a large corporate skin care conglomerate. In fact, it’s creator Lindsey Rietzsch (a stay-at-home mom), had no background or experience in skin care - period. Like most great inventions, the origins of Hydroheel began with a simple problem – dry feet.
For years, Lindsey battled sore, dry feet, and found it difficult to put forth time and effort into weekly pedicures and nightly treatments. After a hopeless visit to the podiatrist and several rounds of prescriptions, creams, scrubs, and broken foot files, she was near ready to give up on ever finding a solution.

One day however, Lindsey realized there was one expert she had failed to contact about this matter – He would surely have the answer! That night while petitioning God, Lindsey included in her prayers an inquiry as to how her feet could be healed – knowing that it would surely take some kind of miracle. Trusting that through her faith, her feet would be healed, Lindsey went to bed reassured that all would be well.
The following morning when Lindsey awoke, she fully expected to discover a brand-new set of feet! Overflowing with anticipation, she slowly peeled back the sheets. To her dismay she found her feet just as dry and cracked as the night before. Feeling a little discouraged, she realized some miracles take time. Maybe the answer would be a product that she would be guided to, and maybe it hadn’t even been invented yet. That was it! Right in that moment Lindsey saw the solution. The formula was revealed to her, and the ingredients came flowing into her mind, along with a vision of how it would work. She knew this divine inspiration was her answer!
That day Lindsey gathered the ingredients, and formulated them into an ointment on her kitchen stove. Confident this would work, she put the product on her feet. After 30 minutes, she decided to check on the results, and to her amazement her feet were unrecognizable! She shared the good news with her husband that night and he was equally amazed.
As word quickly spread about the “Miracle Ointment”, Lindsey began to receive requests. Soon she was making several batches of ointment right from her kitchen, and within 30 days, her product was already in 12 Utah retail stores. Live demonstrations at expo shows, and in the lobbies of spas, salons, and clinics spoke for themselves. The results were so astounding that Lindsey could not keep enough product in stock.
Soon Lindsey’s product sparked the attention of ABC's Shark Tank (Season 1) investor, Kevin Harrington. Who partnered 50/50 with Lindsey on one of the first ever "newsmercials" of its day, helping bring her product into the national spotlight. Later, Lindsey’s product would go on to win first place in a nationwide inventor's contest, striking Lindsey a licensing deal with an international investor, and bringing her product to the global scene. In no time at all, happy customers began sending in their testimonials, of how this product had transformed their skin almost overnight. It was then Lindsey learned that fans weren’t just using her product for their feet – they were experiencing transformation from head to toe. Testimonials of wrinkles fading, eczema disappearing, scars healing, rashes clearing, blisters and calluses being alleviated, foot fungus subsiding, chapped lips and weathered hands being instantly restored, and even cuticles being fortified – were daily reminders that this formula was of divine origins.
As testimonials continued to pour in, inspiration led Lindsey to rebrand her formula as an overall skin care treatment. This allowed her to develop separate product lines in which she could take the same amazing formula and tailor it for a variety of skin conditions. As she no longer held the rights to the original brand and business, Lindsey knew that this undertaking would require her to start again from the ground up. She knew from experience that no other company, partner or investor could match her passion, vision, and drive. Even if it meant starting small, Lindsey was happy to again be at the forefront of her original vision, and very excited to get to work. That's how Hydroheel was born!
It is Lindsey's pleasure to share these amazing products directly with you the consumer. We use all-natural oils and ingredients in our formulas. Each product is packaged with love and quality approved by Lindsey herself. It’s our hope that Hydroheel will not only improve your skin, but more importantly improve your life. After all, everyone should love their skin!
Lindsey Rietzsch, Creator of Hydroheel